De aedibus

Renovation, conversion and restoration are challenging architectural tasks that are seldom discussed. For many years now, the architect couple from Zurich has pursued this topic with great care, creating notable conversions and restorations such as the Zurich projects to convert a maintenance depot, extend the Villa Rainhof, convert the Homburger commercial building and renovate the Tonhalle.
De aedibus 74
Elisabeth & Martin Boesch
Edited by
Heinz Wirz, Luzern
Articles by: Elisabeth & Martin Boesch
22.5 x 29 cm, 96 pp.
156 illustrations
213 sketches/plans
Stitched brochure
Quart Verlag GmbH
ISBN 9783037610060
EUR 44.- / CHF 48.–

Yellowred is a publication that concerns architecture projects, built on preexisting architecture, converting, reusing, extending, downsizing or refurbishing it. Its main goal is to illustrate how buildings, in their inevitable transformation process, can be re-used. This publication will collect a number of projects that show a capacity to rediscover in the existing building hidden potentialities, transforming them in opportunities for the re-used building. It wants to talk about the strategies, themes, ideas and advantages of extending the lifespan of an existing structure, which has become a widely diffused practice due to today’s global commitment for what concerns sustainability. On the other hands Yellowred will look at examples from the past, showing that reusing existing buildings has always been part of architects’ concerns, for economic, social or cultural reasons.
(Projects from Álvaro Siza Vieira, Sergison Bates, José Ignacio Linazasoro, 51N4E, Lacaton & Vassal, Caruso St. John, Diener & Diener, Miller & Maranta, OMA. Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, Adolf Loos)
On Reused Architecture
edited by
Martin Boesch, Laura Lupini,
João Machado
21 x 29.5 cm, 176 pp.
150 ill. b/w, 125 ill. col.
Silvana Editoriale and
ISBN 9788836636211
€ 29 / frs 29.–